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Register before May 15th, 2025 to receive this pricing. After May 15th the price will go to full price.


PLEASE NOTE THE ITC WILL BE FROM SUNDAY TO SATURDAY THIS YEAR!  This means that the "Weekend Only" is split from Sunday, June 23rd and Saturday, June 29th (non-consecutive days)

DATES: Sunday, June 22nd OR Saturday June 28th, 2025

TIMES: Sunday: 10am-4pm; Saturday: 10am - 4pm.  Each day will have a one-hour break for lunch.

LOCATION: City Wing Tsun Athletic Association HQ, NYC, 1024 Sixth Ave 5fl, NY, NY 10018



Uniform and CWTAA equipment


City Wing Tsun Athletic Association’s Annual Intensive Training Camp (ITC)  
The City Wing Tsun ITC is unlike any other program: it is specifically designed to help any student dramatically improve their kung fu by training all day every day for one week. The ITC’s fully-immersive program combines intensive technical instruction, heavy sparring, and integrated theory - all under the personal guidance of Sifu Alex Richter. Students train for 6 hours every day Monday through Friday, and have the chance to work with special guest instructors from around the world over the weekend. This unique way of exploring Wing Tsun lets anyone who is willing to focus and determined to improve advance rapidly through the system in just a few days. Participation is capped at 30 spots and those spots always fill up quickly! 



ITC - One Day: CWT HQ Students

$349.00 Regular Price
$149.00Sale Price
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